Seymour Duncan Little '78 for Strat Bridge - White

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MorMusic - The Guitar Specialists Est 1985

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Sometime in ‘78, Eddie Van Halen gave Seymour Duncan a P.A.F. to experiment with, along with instructions to rewind it with the intent to enhance the reproduction of artificial harmonics and “hot wind” a little for some extra “juice”. The Little ‘78 Strat is the single-coil version of that experiment.

Sometime in ‘78, Eddie Van Halen gave Seymour Duncan a P.A.F. to experiment with, along with instructions to rewind it with the intent to enhance the reproduction of artificial harmonics and “hot wind” a little for some extra “juice”.

The Little ‘78 Strat is the single-coil version of that experiment. The magnet and output combination lends itself to a warm crunch with biting leads and overtone-laden tapped runs. While this was not the final destination for Eddie, it offers players the opportunity to revisit a waypoint in the early days of his legendary pursuit of the ultimate tone.

If you’re a player who demands a high-performance tone the Little ‘78 Strat just may be your ticket.